Infant program
Our Infant program is designed for children 4 to 18 months. The objective of the Infant program includes the following:
- to provide optimum opportunity for children to engage in their environment for them to grow and flourish
- to provide a safe, secure environment in which basic needs are met
- to prepare activities to stimulate their sense
- to meet each child’s physical needs
- to provide safe environment for exploration
Infants learn by experiencing the environment through their sense (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling) by physically moving around and through social interactions. Adults need to talk and sing with them about what is happening and bring them objects to observe and manipulate. Warm, positive relationships with adults help infants develop a sense of trust in the world and feelings of competence.

Toddler Program
The Toddler Program is created for children who range in age 18 months to 2-1/2 years. The objectives of the toddler program include the following:
- to challenge children with stimulating activities and numerous sensory experiences to encourage optimal development socially, emotionally, cognitively and to enhance their language development.
- to provide daily activities according to each child’s interest to enhance each child’s fine motor and large motor development
- to form a warm, loving and trusting bond with each child. Emphasis is placed on selecting teachers who are caring, responsive and see the potential in each child to foster optimal development in all areas
The toddler daily schedule includes free choices activities along with crafts, circle time, story time, gross motor/outside time, lunch time, snack and a rest period. Children will enjoy stories, arts and crafts, interactive songs, puppets, finger plays, rhymes and creative movement as well as puzzles, games, science activities done through the day. Toilet training will commence in the toddler room with a plan put in place and adhered to by staff and parents.

Preschool Program
Our preschool program is designed for children 2 ½ to 5 years of age. The objectives of the preschool program include the following:
- to provide the children with a rich, interesting environment that they can explore with all their sense
- to encourage the children’s feelings of competence by giving them opportunities to problem solve
- developing conflict resolution skills
- to foster a sense of autonomy by ensuring flexibility and choice
- to develop the children’s self-esteem by ensuring that they feel valued and cared for as individuals
- Kindergarten readiness
- to encourage the development of positive social skills
- activities encourage interacting with peers
- learn numbers, shapes, colors, songs (the concept of sharing is emphasized)
- become accustomed to routine
- paint, sand, water and glue are used for creativity and cognitive development
- daily music and story telling
- children’s cues are used in creating program ideas
- staff incorporate the children’s ideas into the weekly program
Infants learn by experiencing the environment through their sense (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling) by physically moving around and through social interactions. Adults need to talk and sing with them about what is happening and bring them objects to observe and manipulate. Warm, positive relationships with adults help infants develop a sense of trust in the world and feelings of competence.